Learning Resources
Online Learning
Homework Help
Reading & Writing
For Parents
- BrainPOP Jr. - Playful, educator focused, reflective and global, BrainPOPJr has it all! Learning videos, activities, games, resources and so much more!
- PBS Kids - High quality learning activities, games, videos and more from PBS.
- Time for Kids - Learn about current events in a simpler easy to read and navigate format. Read free articles here without a subscription.
- Wide Open School - A non-profit that helps families and educators find trusted resources to enrich and support distant learning. Access FREE, high quality learning activities across all subjects, all in one place. Collection put together by 80 partners and supporters!
- The Kids Should See This - Smart videos for curious minds of all ages!
- National Geographic Events - Watch live or past events through National Geographic and learn about the world of an explorer and all that goes into it.
- DOHGO News: Library Edition - Browse news by category, age level, word count or topic. An easy to navigate, updated and high quality place for news for all ages.
- www.littlealchemy2.com - Little Alchemy 2! Mix items and create the world from scratch! Discover interesting items accompanied by funny descriptions and lose yourself exploring the huge, exciting library!
Homework Help
- Ask Dr. Universe - From Washington State University...ask questions and get answers!
- Homework Spot - Links by subject for all ages.
- Allmath.com- Elementary and middle school. Flash cards, metric conversion, multiplication tables and more!
Reading & Writing
- Bookhive.org- Great lists of books of all genres
- Funbrain.com - Spelling games for elementary children
- Kidsreads.com - Suggestions, games, and activities
- Madsci.org- Ask a scientist archives for elementary age
- National Geographic World - Science, geography, history and more!
- Your Science Fair Project Guide - Science experiments and resources
For Parents
- PBS Kids for Grownups - parenting resources, tips and tools from PBS
- Wide Open School for Families - services of all kinds for parents, families and caregivers.
Nature Resources
Extensive Local List- Local Landmarks & Trails